Ruakura Inland Port is a joint venture between Tainui Group Holdings and Port of Tauranga
About Tainui Group Holdings
Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) is the wholly owned commercial entity of Waikato-Tainui with a responsibility to protect and grow the tribe’s commercial assets to support the development and prosperity of its 90,000+ tribal members. All profits generated by TGH fund education, health, elderly, cultural, housing and environmental programmes, and are reinvested into further growing the commercial assets.
TGH manages a diverse asset portfolio which spans commercial, retail, and residential property, hotels, farming, fishing and forestry, infrastructure, equities and direct investment. Ruakura Superhub is a signature project and an example of the intergenerational approach the company takes to investment. Ruakura Inland Port is part of and located within Ruakura Superhub.
Learn more about Tainui Group Holdings here and Ruakura Superhub here.