Hapori me te Taiao

Our Community

Ruakura Inland Port is part of the wider Ruakura Superhub, and we are proud of our role as catalyst to deliver both economic and community benefits to the people of Hamilton.

Te Wairepo

The need for stormwater management within the Superhub has provided the opportunity to create Te Wairepo, a 11.7ha wetland reserve located near the inland port. This native vegetation and walkway paradise with 1.5 million plants and shrubs, information boards, and multiple tracks is designed as a public space for our community to enjoy. Te Wairepo is scheduled to open in 2024. You can read more about Te Wairepo here Green Spaces | Ruakura Superhub


Apart from employment at the port, Ruakura Superhub tenants are creating hundreds of job opportunities for locals ranging from entry level to management positions.

Engaging with our community

We value the opportunity to engage with our iwi, Waikato-Tainui, and neighbouring residents:

  • Ruakura Tangata Whenua Working Group
    Five hapuu (sub-tribes) of the Waikato iwi have ancient and historical interests in the Ruakura area. We maintain close contact with them via regular hui with the Tangata Whenua Working Group to share information and seek guidance as required.
  • Ruakura Community Liaison Committee
    This committee of local residents and port representatives enables us to maintain contact with our neighbours and respond directly to any queries that may arise. Discussions include planting plans and port operational matters. We appreciate the positive nature of the relationship that has been built.
Minimising operational impact

Civil works to build stage one of the inland port and its ongoing operation require management of potential impacts on neighbouring properties, including dust and noise.

  • Dust management
    The completion of stage one means that dust is no longer being created onsite. We are proud of the steps taken to ensure dust has been minimised.
  • Noise management
    An 800m timber wall standing at 4.5m in height has been constructed along the length of the inland port to provide acoustic screening of noise created by trains entering and leaving the port.
  • Protecting the environment
    Tainui Group Holdings and Port of Tauranga are committed to protecting the integrity and diversity of our environment. Our policies and procedures seek to prevent biosecurity incursions, avoid excess noise, protect air and water quality, prevent spills, reduce energy consumption, recycle waste and manage any other risks. A link to Port of Tauranga’s Environmental Policy is here

The ability for importers and exporters to switch from truck to rail transport is forecast to provide significant decarbonisation benefits, with carbon emissions estimated to reduce by 600 tonnes per year when the port is operating at full capacity. Read more here Sustainability | Ruakura Superhub.

Frequently Asked Questions